I'm baaaack!! Holy cow, what a honeymoon. I'll have you know there came a point, very early on actually, where Chris and I looked at each other and had absolutely no clue as to what day it was. Now that's a vacation! No laptop or iphone, just simply a camera to capture as many memories as possible. I will definitely be sharing some more with you (loads of turquoise in Mexico, it was amazing!), but this awesome house that we spotted while touring Isla Mujueres on a moped was one of my favorites. Imagine having THAT as your home, and the Caribbean in your back yard! *sigh*
As much as I loved two whole weeks of heart-stopping turquoise water, white sandy beaches, fabulous gourmet meals, yummy pina coladas and (most of all) the company of my new husband 24/7, it is indeed good to be home. :)
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