I've long been admiring this guestroom designed by Suzanne Tucker and the staff of Tucker & Marks for the 2010 Elle Decor Designer Showhouse. I love everything, and I mean EVERYTHING about this space! Suzanne's own Hatley fabric is used here as wallcovering and I absolutely adore it. That faux coral mirror is so cool too! And the hand-carved beds...*sigh*....they are truly the show-stoppers here. Designer Katie Denham had a fantastic post dedicated to this beautiful room on her blog KatieDid, including the neat story behind those incredible beds! All you want to know and more eye candy waits for you here!
I'm super excited because tomorrow we're leaving to visit one of my favorite cities: Chicago! You'll love this...for a wedding present Chris surprised me with plane tickets, hotel reservations and concert tickets for us to see Ray LaMontagne play in Millennium Park (check out that bandshell!) His music, as well as Chicago, are both very sentimental to us...so it's going to be great! If anyone has any sight-seeing, dining or shopping recommendations, we'd love to hear!
I'll be back towards the end of next week, but keep stopping by because there will be posts in my absence! Enjoy your weekend!!!
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