Finished dinner and you need a heavenly dessert? Sit on the table, bend your legs. The couple stood right in between your legs, bring Miss Cheerful with Mr.Happy. Ask him to put his hand on your buttocks, so that he can enter you from the perfect angle. You can hold on to his shoulders for deeper penetration.
The kitchen offers all the access that can bring you and your partner wild imagination. "You can tease your partner by changing a position on the kitchen counter, or take a few" snacks "section of the refrigerator (fruit and whipped cream) to be eaten directly from the upper body of the couple," says Joan Elizabeth Lloyd, author of Bedtime Stories Naughtier.
This time you will be in control. Stand at the end of the door as he turned the couple. Spread your legs, ask him to lower his body a bit to be able to enter you from behind. Create an increasingly intense penetration by turning your butt to follow a figure eight. Every time you change direction round butt, you and your partner will feel the incredible sensation of pleasure.
There's nothing sexier than having sex while wearing high heels. Cosmo advice: give the impression of "quickie" and spontaneous in action. When you and he had just arrived home, immediately embarked attack!

Fill the bathtub with a little water, then turn on the shower. Lie on your sides, lift one leg up. Couple kneeling on top of your thighs are below, hugging the thighs are lifted upward. Ask him to rotate his hips when Mr.Happy "enter" you, so that every inch of Miss Cheerful touched with joy.
When you and he approached the climax, you hold your back slightly, then slowly flops Miss Cheerful muscle (such as holding urination). Do this until the orgasm is completely over. When you release, the big O will feel doubly awhhh .. mazing!

You sit on a washing machine, stand facing your partner. Wrap your legs around the waist partner. As he began to enter you, "tighten" the thighs to create a cavity Miss Cheerful increasingly narrow. You can put both your hands on his shoulders for balance.
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